Get 24/7 Fire, Flood, And Life Protection With Smarter Home Safety Products
In the unfortunate event of a life or fire emergency, every minute is vital. That’s why [you need the most reliable fire, flood, and carbon monoxide detectors wired into your Modesto home security system.
That’s because the moment your Modesto home safety products identify a flood, fire, or CO leak, your ADT monitoring center will instantly call in the right emergency personnel. You’re even protected when you’re leave the house -- like when a water pipe bursts or you forgot to unplug the iron. With ADT monitoring watching over you, emergency services could arrive to your place before you roll up the drive!

Responsive Fire Detection Comes From Monitored Fire Alarms
Go beyond your traditional smoke detectors with sensitive fire alarms that sense both heat and smoke. And if your alarm ever triggers, your ADT monitoring center quickly calls the fire department to your house.

Protect Against CO Poisoning With A Carbon Monoxide Detector
Enhance your safety with a robust CO sensor that alerts you and your ADT monitoring station the instant it senses even trace amounts of this odorless, colorless gas.

Curtail Water Damage Using Your ADT Monitored Flood Detector
A waterlogged basement can ruin carpets, furniture, and boxes of momentos. An ADT monitored flood detector alerts you when water is coming in from a Modesto leaky pipe or clogged storm drain.

Panic Buttons Give Instant Alerts To A Health Or Safety Emergency
Get help for any health or safety event by pressing your panic button. Gift the 2-button device to a loved one to wear on their wrist or like a necklace. A quick button press opens up a secure line to your monitoring center.
ADT Monitoring Allows For Protection Home Or Away
For every triggered alarm, ADT quickly notifies your local emergency department. Now, you can center your attention on bringing your family to someplace safe if a fire or other emergency is detected while you were sleeping. ADT monitoring also makes sure that you're still watched over when you can’t be there. Your home security system will even send alerts to your mobile device. That’s protection 24/7/365!
Get Your Modesto Home Safety Products Installed By The Professionals At Secure24 Alarm Systems
Have the professionals at Secure24 Alarm Systems design your fire and home safety products as part of your Modesto home security system. Just phone (209) 226-4324 or fill out the form below for a free quote.